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Track Premiere: (Song For A) Wasted Land – You Said Strange

Track Premiere: (Song For A) Wasted Land – You Said Strange

Cigarettes, the main character of You Said Strange’s new music video premiered here today for (Song For A) Wasted Land. A picture of endless consumption yet a simple source of comfort in a story of a disaster.

However, (Song For A) Wasted Land is a strangely optimistic depiction of impending doom. Imagine everything around you is on fire, but you’re cold and you appreciate the warmth. A bleak, but nostalgic take on the current state of the world. The cigarette is the only solace from the frenetic happenings around you.

The airy, shoegaze feel transports you to their headspace. It’s a collection of fragments forged together to create a succinct piece of art that deserves time observing it (preferably with a cig in hand).

It’s an almost introspective record in the fact that it takes you deeper with every listen. On first listen it’s an external view of the world, but you’ll soon realise it’s an inward look that has you questioning your own perspective.

The melancholic, moody tones aren’t too adrift from The Stone Roses or Fontaines D.C., but it features the symbolic guitar sounds that are verging on saxophone that builds their unique sound.

You could be a follower of You Said Strange and you’d be cool, but I’d be suspecting an edge of gloom in your personality. I’m a fan.

Now they’re on your radar.

See Also

And I suspect they won’t be leaving anytime soon. Even a short glimpse will haunt you.

When you smell cigarette smoke you’ll be there, in that studio, thinking deeply about the downfall of the world – and the brilliant new band you’ve just found.

(Song For A) Wasted Land – You Said Strange artwork
(Song For A) Wasted Land – You Said Strange is out now

On April 28, 2023, You Said Strange will share the second part of their sophomore release, a follow-up to Vol. 1 entitled Thousand Shadows Vol.2.

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