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Loose Fit by Loose Fit – Debut EP

Loose Fit by Loose Fit – Debut EP

Loose Fit debut EP review

Hello and welcome!

Today I have an album review for you to sit and enjoy, a small dose of music-based entertainment to ease the boredom of sitting locked up in your house during these unprecedented times. However let’s not dwell on the ongoing global pandemic, it’s time for new music. What we need is some raw, gritty, stick it to the world kind of affair. Well, this is the album for you, the Sydney based post-punk band have brought us a 5 song wonder, it’s got all the elements of a solid introduction to the world of music.

Loose Fit by Loose Fit is an absolute banger, each song aptly thrown at you in all caps tells you all you need to know with the aggressive baselines and in your face vocals from lead singer Anna Langdon. The album starts with PULL THE LEVER with its mechanical bass and organic vocals, it’s all about taking risks, pushing your luck and when it doesn’t go your way, pick yourself up and go again. It’s a simple message delivered via cutting bass and vocals with attitude.

Next up is RIOT, as the title implies, you know you’re in for a rough cut, fast-paced banger. It all kicks off with a screech laying the platform for the pacey bassline that pumps you up. It’s 2 minutes of aggression and fuck the worldery that will get the crowd pumped, I can see the moshpits forming already….

REFLUX is 3rd in line, and I have to say this is my personal favourite on the album, we’re brought back down in pace and cooling off from the RIOT that was, and who doesn’t love a well placed saxophone!? It’s repetitive bass and catchy saxophone melody is perfectly brought together by Anna’s edgy but soothing vocals. 

The penultimate track on the debut EP is BLACK WATER, as you can imagine it follows the same trend as the previous 3, its looping bass and softly chanted lyrics create a hypnotic sound that does nothing but draw you in, the lyrics provide an image of lead singer Anna’s anxieties, that overhanging dread that’s with you at every corner and the bass provides the tense, uptight feeling that can only be described as horror movie tension, the message and accompanying sounds are cleverly put together to provide listeners with the exact aura.

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Finally rounding off the EP is DELETE with its funkier, upbeat riff and saxophone topping it’s the ideal way to round off the debut. It very much provides that fuck you message to the song before, it gives that uplifting feeling of deleting the anxious thoughts, not letting it get the better of you. Its 2 minutes of positivity is the perfect way to finish off the impressive debut album.

Loose Fit have bags of potential and it’s beautifully showcased in their self-titled debut EP Loose Fit released on FatCat Records. If you’re a fan of new music and love an album that’s gonna get the blood flowing with an aggressive edge, then the Australian based quartet, Loose Fit are the ones for you. Stick it on and turn it up. You won’t regret it…

Listen to Loose Fit’s debut EP released on FatCat Records below.

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